7 Ocak 2009 Çarşamba


Recently,we have been witnessing some events in news.Mosques are being bombed, children are being shot , some supposedly guilty people are being tortured while they are just walking on the street.Those events are occuring in a little country, Palestine.Palestinians can not have an easy sleep in their beds.Whenever they hear a loud voice, they are running and looking for a safe place.So, what is responsible for this?A country(Israel) which claims that Palestine deserves these.But why does Palestine deserve all these bad things?Now somebody is going on stage and answering this question "As Israelis, we are doing favour to humanity.We are elinimating terror." And I wonder something about this response.How can the children in Palestine participate in terrorist movements?How can they give harm to Israel while they still need protecting by their families.And how a person who goes to his home to take his family some bread or a person who prays in a mosque can become a terrorist?It is difficult for me to understand.But Israel always claims she is doing the right.And it is more difficult for me to understand.Also very strong countries do nothing to stop this.And this is much more difficult for me to understand.I sometimes wish the civilization had not developped that much.Because the more we are developping, the more people we are killing.We are really living in an interesting world.


I can not catch up with technology because I am not interested in it.While everyone prefer doing their assignments by means of Power Point, I would like to do them using my handwriting.I got bored in front of a computer after sometime as I feel embrassed now.But sometimes, things may change thanks to the football.My favourite activity with computer is playing football games.Any other game seems to me so tiresome.Naturally, PES (the most famous football game) is my favourite activity in a computer.I send my gratitudes to PES.Thank you so much :))


Today I want to mention my passion about Turkish Folk Music.All the people are fond of music undoubtly, but my generation is especially immersed in music.And the majority of them love metal or rock music.However, I am a little different from them.I love Turksih Folk Music extremely.Whenever I listen to that music,something takes me to another world.All my feelings revive in my heart.I wonder how the old generation composed such things, what mood they are in while composing.I envy them so much.And finally that music makes me want to live in 1900's...